Who we are

We provide facili t ies management services , both hard & sof t in addi t ion to HVAC systems scheduled prevent ive maintenance.
We have highly qualified engineers and skilled personnel who are responsible for projects, as well as exper ienced supervisors who have received comprehensive technical t raining in both pract ical and theoret ical aspects, meet ing all specificat ions.
At SAK Company, we have a st rong compet i t ive advantage through our professional exper t ise. We have a clear understanding of our work requi rements and we are dedicated to achieving these requi rements to ensure customer sat isfact ion.
This commi tment begins f rom planning at const ruct ion phase, leading to the delivery stage and the per formance of operat ion and maintenance services at the highest level of quali ty.
Our exper ience makes us more confident in deliver ing the services we have promised to our clients.

Our vision

We aim to enhance the services provided in facility management, including the preparation and maintenance of spaces and facilities, as well as monitor ing all maintenance and cleaning works. We str ive to apply the highest safety standards and continuously improve the services provided. This is achieved through highly exper ienced and competent professionals who utilize modern tools and technologies, adher ing to international per formance standards. Our goal is to become a practical reference for facility operation and maintenance at the local level.

Our values

We have a strong competitive advantage through our professional expertise, clear understanding of our client's requi rements, and our dedication to fulfilling these requi rements to achieve customer satisfaction. This begins f rom the planning phase to the construction phase, all the way to the delivery stage and the per formance of operation and maintenance works. We are committed to deliver ing these services with the highest level of quality and commitment.

Our message

We provide sustainable solutions that combine the best expertise and modern technologies for high-quality and precise facility management throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.